
Wanderer, Artist, Adventurer

Originally a Seattle-area native, I moved to San Luis Obispo, CA for college, where I studied Mechanical Engineering. While there, I fell in love with the California weather, and the amazing light it offers.

In spring of 2023 I entered a new phase of my life. Instead of accepting a full-time job after graduating college, I felt called to taking a different kind of leap: dedicating an undefined amount of time towards self-exploration, creative expression, and world travel.

It has been hard for me to not cling to the best parts of life, my urge for more when the pleasure I experience is inherently uncapturable. Photography eases that desire, enabling me to not just remember what something looked like, but encapsulate the emotional tone as well.

My photography underwent a big shift in 2022, transitioning from merely the desire to create something beautiful to the intention of using digital media to make an impact. Specifically, my heart is drawn to helping people develop into the best version of themselves, whether personally, professionally, spiritually, relationally, or otherwise. I want to live the fullest life I can, and it fills me with joy to catalyze others to do the same.

This took many forms at first, including intentional use of socials, writing, podcasting, photography, and videography. In my personal projects, this is still my intention, though I am enjoying the exploration of how to integrate this same mission to empower others. I want to create work that brings joy to your life.

Whether that’s an image in which you finally feel as beautiful as you are, a crisp headshot that enables your grandest professional goals, or the telling of a story too important not capture forever.